Accumulate your cash resources into one combined, concentrated cash pool and minimize excess balances, increase efficiencies, and reduce service charges. Cash concentration gives you better control of your cash. Automatic sweeps of excess funds move your money where it will be most beneficial for your bottom line.

Sweep Accounts

A Sweep Account can help you maximize your return on excess funds and increase corporate earnings. Generally, any commercial, non-interest-bearing checking account is eligible for this simple, safe and automatic funds transfer service. Funds in excess of a pre-determined balance threshold will transfer to an interest-bearing account you have selected, maximizing returns and giving you peace of mind.

Zero Balance Accounts

Simplify your daily cash monitoring and eliminate manual process of transferring funds by taking advantage of the convenience of Zero Balance Account (ZBA). A ZBA allows you to automatically consolidate your checking funds on deposits and keep separate accounts for segregation of expenditures and receipts. With a ZBA, excess balances are automatically concentrated to maximize earnings and transferred as needed between accounts to cover any deficits.